quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

Oscar Wilde Biography

Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, Ireland. Son of William Robert Wilde, surgeon-oculist who served the queen. His mother, Jane Francesca Speranza Wilde, wrote patriotic Irish verse under the pseudonym Speranza.

He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and later at Oxford. There he receives the influence of Walter Pater and the doctrine of "art for art". In 1879, goes to London to establish himself as leader of the "aesthetic movement". In 1881 it published a collection of his poems. In 1882, without money, agrees to participate in a year of travel between USA and Canada. This trip earned him fame and fortune.

In 1884, he married the beautiful Constance Lloyd. With the publication of "Portrait of Dorian Gray", unleashes his literary career. Oscar and Constance had 2 sons: Cyril and Vyvyan. But one night, Robert Ross, a young Canadian score, seduced Oscar and forced him finally to confront his homosexual feelings that haunted him since the time when I was a student.

Years later Oscar was arrested on charges of homosexual behavior and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment with hard labor, and the last part in Reading Gaol. The dire conditions of the prison caused a number of diseases and led to death. It was declared also in liquidation.

He died as a broken man on November 30, 1900.

Fashion Tips

A production requires a great deal of wisdom, that translated means that the set of parts to be chosen in your wardrobe can become a beautiful work or a big failure. Learn tips for professionals now for women of all kinds.
For shorty woman, you can use everything. For the ladies, the skirt has to be above the knee.
For too thin, the suit is more appropriate for the bikini.
For those with large breasts, cleavage tops, never! The "V" and "U" are very good!
For the hip off, if the legs are long and narrow waist, pants and straight skirts.

Stay beautiful with the right outfit! 

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

New Version of Orkut

Recently Google launched a new version of Orkut. Google says it has conducted research with users to know what they would like the site had and the result was a version with fewer pages and faster navigation, a clean and simple, more customization and more! But to enjoy all that you need to receive an invitation and will receive ten invitations availables to distribute among his friends.


“Many a man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success.”
Jim Backus

“Honeymoon: A short period of doting between dating and debting.”
Ray Bandy

“If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.”
Lynda Barry

“Marriage is low down, but you spend the rest of your life paying for it.”

“A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.”

“We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow.”
Oscar Wilde


Review - Why Men Lie and Women Cry by Allan & Barbara Pease

I've just finished reading a great book by Allan and Barbara Pease entitled "Why Men Lie and Women Cry". A true and humorous account of the differences between the sexes and full of practical ways to communicate effectively.
The authors give several tips on how to deal with the opposite sex. A fun book and very useful!


What is an idiom?
An idiom is a natural manner of speaking to a native speaker of a language.

A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush:
Having something that is certain is much better than taking a risk for more, because chances are you might lose everything.

A Blessing In Disguise:
Something good that isn't recognized at first.

A Slap on the Wrist:
A very mild punishment.

A Taste Of Your Own Medicine:
When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others.

A Toss-Up:
A result that is still unclear and can go either way.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words:
It's better to actually do something than just talk about it.

Add Fuel To The Fire:
Whenever something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is.

All Greek to me:
Meaningless and incomprehensible like someone who cannot read, speak, or understand any of the Greek language would be.

All In The Same Boat:
When everyone is facing the same challenges.

At The Drop Of A Hat:
Willing to do something immediately.


Song: She by Charles Aznavour

She may be the face I can't forget,
A trace of pleasure or regret,
May be my treasure or
The price I have to pay.

She may be the song that summer sings,
May be the chill that autumn brings,
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day.

She may be the beauty or the beast,
May be the famine or the feast,
May turn each day into a
Heaven or a hell.

She may be the mirror of my dream,
A smile reflected in a stream,
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell.

She who always seems so happy in a crowd,
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud,
No one's allowed to see them
When they cry.

She may be the love that cannot hope to last,
May come to me from shadows of the past,
That I remember till the day I die.

She may be the reason I survive,
The why and where for I'm alive,
The one I'll care for through the
Rough and happy years.

Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be.
The meaning of my life is she, she, she--.


La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente (Lovely Lady of My Memory) by: Oscar Wild

My limbs are wasted with a flame,
My feet are sore with travelling,
For, calling on my Lady's name,
My lips have now forgot to sing.
O Linnet in the wild-rose brake
Strain for my Love thy melody,
O Lark sing louder for love's sake,
My gentle Lady passeth by.
She is too fair for any man
To see or hold his heart's delight,
Fairer than Queen or courtesan
Or moonlit water in the night.
Her hair is bound with myrtle leaves,
(Green leaves upon her golden hair!)
Green grasses through the yellow sheaves
Of autumn corn are not more fair.
Her little lips, more made to kiss
Than to cry bitterly for pain,
Are tremulous as brook-water is,
Or roses after evening rain.
Her neck is like white melilote
Flushing for pleasure of the sun,
The throbbing of the linnet's throat
Is not so sweet to look upon.
As a pomegranate, cut in twain,
White-seeded, is her crimson mouth,
Her cheeks are as the fading stain
Where the peach reddens to the south.
O twining hands! O delicate
White body made for love and pain!
O House of love! O desolate
Pale flower beaten by the rain!

Review - The Mirror Has Two Faces

Gregory and Rose are two teachers who feel lonely, it failed to engage with who they wanted. He is a professor of mathematics extremely introverted and still worships the old girlfriend who left him for another. She is a professor of literature very communicative, who saw his great passion, to marry his sister. Seeing the announcement in an e Gregory sentimental, she decides to respond as if it were Rose, both of which give lessons at the same university. After a few meetings Gregory asks Rose to marry him, but decide to have a union based solely on their intellectual preferences and devoid of sex. At first, she can handle such a situation, but over time the relationship comes to a crisis and she decides to produce, to win her husband and really have a marriage of fact and not just right.